
In-house diagnostic assays can very well hold a commercial potential. We can be your partner in releasing this potential by transferring the assays into a robust diagnostic platform and further support in bringing products to market via our global distribution network.

In close dialog with specialists we aim to create a climate of trust and cooperation.

Already this has encouraged many established scientists and laboratories to spontaneously approach us with interesting suggestions for new technologies and methods.

We very much hope that this will continue and therefore invite you into dialogue - whether it is about validation, market investigation, kit development or new diagnostic technologies.

In the hands of our development team as well as our production and marketing units your ideas can be made globally available. Also if you have an in-house test that you believe should be made more widely available, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

With passion and unique core competences our employees will take immunoassay ideas or prototypes to market and thereby make animal disease control more effective and modern.